Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is that me??

My M and MM went out for dinner the other day at this restaurant called Big O, and on one of the walls of this restaurant, there were lots and lots of doggie pictures.

As my M was glancing at those pictures, she did a double take, coz my picture was up there!! She wondered how did my picture get up there so she took another look, and another, and another, and then she decided to go up to my picture and take an even closer look.

Can you find me?

And then she realised that it's not me. But it certainly does look like me, right? She later found out from one of the waitress that the dog belongs to a friend of the owner.

Maybe it's my long lost twin.


yl said...

Hi Helios,

I lurked around this blog since the Herbie days. Quite some time ago, I saw this golden retriever and I almost wanted to go, "Herbie?!" because the dog looks so much like Herbie from those beautiful pictures from Herbiesphere.

Dogs are such beautiful creatures. I am not able to keep a dog so I love to read DWBs. Little did I know that attachment to a dog is also possible through words.

Astrid Keel said...

It looks like your twin!

Dandy Duke said...

That doggie sure does look a lot like you, Helios!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Katherine and Pippa said...

Hey do you have another blog for Helios? Anyway, good to catch up with you again and pleased to see you are all ok.


Dandy Duke said...

Happy birthday, Helios!
We hope you have the most special day ever with lots of treats and hugs!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

How Sam Sees It said...

Helios, nobody could ever be as beautiful as you! Maybe the pup in the picture was a littermate?
