Oh all right! It's Beach Swimming but that little bugger wanted to co-write this piece and he wanted to write the subject title.
Anyway, we went to the beach yesterday, and it was Helios first time at the beach. Of course, as the nice big brother, I must tell him the perils of going to the beach. The forced swimming, the constant exercising, the very, very wet fur.
Herbie: ok... be careful of that huge patch of water in front

EEeeWwww..... look at the scary water!

Helios took my advise to heart and was very wary of the waves. Forgive my M's quacking in the background. I don't know why she's sounding like a duck.
Let's go to the beach!
I make a very good teacher.... until Tommy and Joey came along, which I shall let Helios elaborate on his own later. Luckily, the tide was low yesterday, which accounts for the seaweed along the coast, and also I don't have to swim! Why? Coz even when I have walked a long distance away, the water is still to my belly level, and my M did not want to get herself wet this time, and my MM was overseas, there's no one to drag me into the water!
M, I tried to swim, really! But look how shallow the water is!

So since I don't have to swim, I can spend my morning running on the sand...
Land is so much better!

... and catching up on my forty winks...

... while looking at 2 seals jumping into the sea....
The water was so shallow that those silly water dogs had to bunny hop in the sea before they get to swim.
And poor Scuba, they tried to let him get used to shallow water but he just couldn't understand.
NoooOOOOoooOOOooo WATER!!!!

He got so upset he ran away to hide among the rocks.
I am NOT going downt there!

Just to show you how far away he ran....
Where's Scuba?

Oh all right! He wasn't running away, I was just pulling your legs. His mom thought that the rocks would make a nice photo and made him pose there in exchange for not swimming.
ok, that little bugger is bugging me to let him write the rest of the story.... so here's over to him....
Hello eberyone, I went for my first schwimming at the bleach today, but strangely my color is still the same....
My big brother Herbie was telling me how scawie the bleach is, so we played on the bleach while waiting for the others to arrive. Herbie is so nice and he let me play frog leap on him.

Later Tommy and Joey came and told me it's not true that the sea is scawie, it's just that my big brother don't like schwimming coz he's lazi. So they taught me what to do in the sea.
Tommy: Yup, just grab any toy and swim

Joey: Got your toy? Now follow me!

I like playing with Tommy coz he shares his toys with me
Tommy: When I said 'any toy', MY toys are not included!

Sometimes he lets me have them....

sometimes not....

Joey always has his own toy which I don't dare to take coz Joey scolds
Stay away from MY ball

See how good I am at schwimming now!
But my M said I look very serious when I schwim....
Conshentrating on peddling!

I think I like the bleach, I want to go again soon!

Ok, that's all from that delusional chap, and that's all from us folks. I shall pray that the next bleach.... arghhh! I mean BEACH outing won't be that soon. The humans are saying that they will need to wait for higher tides to go to the beach so that the water will be cleaner with no seaweeds.
Now if I can just distract them whenever they talk about the next high tide.....