Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Guard dog

Now that my baby sister is at home, I feel that I have to be more vigilant in my guarding duties. So I bark at anyone who presses the doorbell. Depending on my mood, sometimes I only bark once or twice. If I'm feeling really excited, I go "Woof! Woo-woo-woo-woo-woof! WooF WOOF!"

Aunty W came over the other day and she was really impressed with my barks. She told my M that I sounded really fur-rocious, but once I appear at the door the image is totally spoiled.

I wonder what spoiled the image

Apparently guard dogs are not supposed to show off their toys.

Anyway, it doesn't matter because I still manage to scare strangers even with my toys. The meat delivery guy was so wary of me that he collected payment through the gate and left my meat outside, so we have to carry it in ourselves. My M said I almost scared away my dinner. I'll have to remember not to 'woo-woo-woo-woo-woof' at that man coz I still want my dinner.

But if that man is smart, he'll know that I just want to play. That's what the toys are for anyway.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Life has been very crampy since the arrival of my baby sister. Remember bed-bed, which used to belong to my big brother Herbie, and which is now officially mine? Remember where it used to be?

Right next to my M and MM's bed.

Well, now that space has been taken up by a HUMONGOUS bed-bed, but it belongs to my baby sister.

Giant bed-bed!

And because of that, my old bed-bed and me has been relegated to a miserable small space. See how crampy we are now?

(M: Oh pul-leeze! You never sleep on bed-bed anyway, you prefer the floor! The only time you stepped on your bed is when you're trying to wake me up.

Nevertheless, I think we need a bigger bedroom, maybe a bigger house, one with a garden and a pool too!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Beach outing

This is a belated post. We went to the beach before my baby sister came but before my M had time to put up the peektures, my baby sister decided to come out.

Anyway, my M decided to bring me to the beach before my baby sister comes, coz she says I won't get to go to the beach so soon after that. I was the first to arrive and I had fun running on the beach...

and playing with my ball....

I even got tricked into digging my own 'grave'...

and was made to stay there...

while my M and MM tried to 'bury' me...

Boy was I glad they didn't really mean to bury me and I was allowed to jump up after they took some peektures.


All was going swell, until Tommy came...

Because he made a beeline for...

my ball... :(

and kept it for himself...

So I made a face at him (secretly of course...)

And luckily my M got another ball for me...

Then Joey came...

But how come he gets to keep HIS ball everytime?

He even gets to keep BOTH his balls...

Life can sometimes be so unfair. And I'm sure Scuba agrees with me, but not over balls...

He was being dragged to sea again...

He tried walking back...

Crawling back...

But it was hopeless...

Even while at sea, he was prevented from swimming back...

Finally the humans had enough fun at his expense and allowed him back on land. Look how happy he is!

So to make up for his bad morning, Scuba decided to kill some plastic bags. Look how scawie he looks!

I hope I get to go to the beach again soon, but first I must figure out how to pawtect my ball from Tommy. Any ideas?

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Everyone's home!

My M and MM finally came home on Monday, and they had my baby sister Sherylyn with them and lots of presents!

Look at what my baby sister has! There were some toys too but my M said they're not for me.

Are you sure there's nothing for me here?

Actually having a baby sister is quite boring. She just eats, sleeps, poops and cry.


It wasn't me!! Really!

ok, sometimes she manage to smile.

But really, that's all she does all day. So, when do they start throwing food and toys around?