Friday, October 26, 2007

Peas in a Pod

I met up with my litter brother Casper recently! I have not seen Casper since our last meeting at the park and he has become BIG! He's now 28kg, while I'm still 22kg. Casper has always been bigger than me since we were young, plus now he finishes up his sibling's food whenever they can't finish it. His humans are now trying to put him on a diet.

So after a frantic bout of butt sniffing with everyone, we played for a little while. Casper's family took out a lot of toys and started throwing it to us, and Casper ran away with a rope toy I was interested in, so I tried to get it from him. He's big, but he can run fast as well!

Casper's dad was singing a song about us going around the dining table. I don't know why the humans thought it's so funny to see us play.

Then when we're finally a bit tired, we took peektures again! Here's me with Casper's human and doggie siblings.

L-R: Reby, Pebbles, Casper, ME!

Then we took some brotherly peektures. The humans all say we look very alike, only difference is our color. Can you see if we look alike?

Peas in a pod!

Same smile!

The humans also say that we wag the same. We don't only wag our tail, but we wag our waist as well. Casper's mum said we could have inherited our tails from our doggie dad. Here's what a show judge said about our doggie dad:

"'Bailey' is a wonderful dog to show...he enjoys the show ring and his tail is like a lethal weapon!!"

So watch out! Me and my brother has got Lethal Weapons!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh Helios, you and your brother look so cute going round and round. I hope you didn't get dizzy. You sure look like your brother. But thinner, will you get more treats to grow bigger?

~ Girl girl

Joe Stains said...

wow you guys do look alike, its pretty cool! I am glad I am not REALLY related to Tanner, I would hate to look like a doofus face!

Lacy said...

woofies Helios, u hads a bunch of fun ith ur fend...verwy nice picturs and yesss u dos lookies alike...

b safe,

Scruffy said...

You and brother sure look alike. If not for the color, I'd probably get the both of you all confused.

The Mighty Scruff

Duke said...

Hoomans laugh at the craziest things! You all look like you were having fun to us!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, so funny when I watched you both running around the dining table. Oh, you & Casper have same eyes but the differences are your fur color & size. He's sooo much bigger than you Helios! He reminds me of my sista Chloe. Big size & juicy. Heeheehee...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

you guys look like husband and wife in the last pic! :) No offense, of course. I know your big brother, Herbie was often mistaken for a're just following in his pawprints!

Patty Nason said...

Woof! Love those photos. Would you like to enter them into Dogster's World's Coolest Dog and Cat Show? We would love to have you enter! It's free, there's some awesome prizes, and you can vote on your favorite photos. Wooof!

Kien said...

Hi Helios.. u n casper really look alike but how come the colour are so different??.. i have a brother called Athens too.. he is bigger than me too.. cause since young.. am always smaller than him..

Hope u have a great weekend ahead..


Katherine and Pippa said...

Brill smiles. You do look the same too.


PS i thought I had added you to my pals list but I think mistress may have been useless. Anway now you are there. :)