I don't know what else to say after my review yesterday.
I just had a few more chest x-rays done, and there's no improvement. The vet says that with antibiotics, there's supposed to be a significant improvement in about 10 days. I've lost weight again as well, and now I'm 21.8kg. The vet painted quite a bleak picture. He said that if there's no improvement, I might just weaken and go in a few months. He also said it might still be cancer,but not necessarily lymphoma, maybe some other kind but there's no way to test without a tissue sample.
He gave some options, which is not really much of an option if you ask me.
Option 1: Least invasive
Change antibiotics, see if another kind works. And give anti fungal medication as well. Usually antibiotics will take about a week and anti fungal about 2 weeks to see effects. So if no improvement by then, it's not working.
Option 2: Not so invasive
More tests, blood culture, nasal discharge, treachea wash... but most of these has been done, and we may or may not see anything again.
Option 3: Invasive
Scope. Put a scope deeper into the lungs and see if they can take any samples from the linings. It's similar to the treachea wash I did last week, just in another area deeper, and with a scope. I think he calls it bronchoscope. They will drown a portion of my lungs and extract the fluid for tests, but it's risky because during the procedure, that part of the lungs will not be working to give me air, and they cannot pump air into me.
Option 4: Extremely invasive
Open chest surgery. The most risky as well, with my condition now, he said it's a 50-50 chance I may not survive. They will take a tissue sample for tests. He explained that the area surrounding the lungs is empty, but if you open up the chest, we're introducing air into the area, and although there's a pipe pumping out the air, there's still a possibility that air will leak from somewhere, fill up the void and compress the lungs.
For now my M opted for option 1. The humans seem to think I'm improving, but extremely slowly, but the chest xray doesn't show that at all. My appetite is still on and off, so my M left me in Scuba's house today so that Aunty S can try to feed me small meals throughout the day.
After all these tests done, and no one knows what's wrong with me! The vet said I'm a complicated case. I don't want to be complicated, I want to be simple!
Can someone just tell me what's wrong with me?
(M: I'm really in a dilemma. On one hand I want to know what's wrong, but on the other hand to do so it would mean open chest surgery, which I am not keen to put him through. Friends have suggested not to do the surgery. Just do whatever is least invasive, give him quality of life and see how long he can continue. The vet says if this continues, he'll weaken and be gone in a few months. Just as I thought there's hope of a full recovery, depressing news such as this have to come.
I've thought things will improve if only he'll start eating properly, but his appetite is on and off, and he's now very picky about food. Sometimes he takes chicken, then when I cook it the next few days he doesn't like it anymore. Sometimes he likes beef, but he goes off to after a few meals. Sometimes I try both, or fish, but he still doesn't want to eat it. I've tried stewing, frying, making soup with herbs, meatloafs, topping his food with cheese, I never know what he wants that day. Cooking for him now is really a challenge.
I really hope all these will be over soon.)