I went for my second round of antibiotic injection again, got poked with needles twice and poked by the thermometer up where the sun doesn't shine. My fever is down, the breathing is a little better, but the vet said don't be too happy as it's still very bad.
Ideally, he would have preferred to draw out some samples from my lungs and test to see what kind of bacteria is attacking me so that he can prescribe the most effective antibiotics. But to do that I will have to be anaesthetized, and the vet says it's very risky for me if I do that right now, and I may not be able to survive that given my condition.
Here's a clip just to show how badly I usually pant now. I'm panting like that even though I'm not even exercising, and you can hear my heavy breathing.
Steak is good, Herbie! Eat up! We want you to stay strong so that you can run with Helios soon! Get lots of rest and plenty to eat, okay!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
poor herbie!
stay strong~
Hi, Herbie
I have my paws crossed for you! I am sure the meds will help you! Don't skip your meals, you need them!
Have a nice day
don't worry about your injections - after all those needles they stuck in you, you are a pro. my grandpa had the same kind of infection - his human doctors tell him to keep breathing and keep eating. you do that too.
Oh Herbie and Mom...
Keep positive thoughts. We will continue to send them to both of you and will keep our paws crossed. Stay positive!
Get well soon, Herbie! Will be praying for his recovery.
Herbie, please stay strong and get well VERY soon. We will be praying for your QUICK recovery!
Penny & Poppy (2 Aire-girls in the USA)
Opie sent me here! Stay strong Herbie! Mom and I will keep you in our prayers. Eating steak is good! I wish my mom gave me steak every meal.
woofies herbie, u r breathing is sooo heavy...cant the vet give u octigin to help u wiff ur breathing, i saw it on er vets they can do that...and when my mama was in hospital in june she had to do the octigin thingy too..keep fighting herbie, u got a lot of prayers wishing u a speedy recovery..and u gotta eat to keep ur strength up...
;) lacylulu
Oh Herbie! Rest and eat steak and hopefully that medicine will help your body shake off the nasty bugs. We're pulling for you!!
- Charlie
Herbie! You must get better!! Eat more steak, grab some blankets, get lots of rest! All of us at DWB are pulling for you & we all have our paws crossed & are saying our prayers for your speedy recovery! We love you Herbie! Now go eat some more steak!
Love & Licks & Snuggly Hugs just for Herbie!
Hey Herbies,
Don't bark like that. You're makin' me skardys. You need to get reeeallys strong and well and stay with us a long long times.
Crossed paws and ruffs.
Freda Ƨ
I've got my paws crossed for you, and my mum is sending healing thoughts (that worked for me when I was sick)
I'm thinking of woo!
Hey Herbie and M,
I'm following Herbie's sad story with hope for you guys that Herbie will pull through. Sending strength and positive healing wishes your way.
Dear Herbie,
We're rooting for you, we just know you're going to be ok. Hugs to all of you.
The Brat Pack & Maryann
Ohh Herbie....
I know Singapore is kind of warm may be M would like to consider putting a T-shirt over you to keep your chest warmer ??? May be aromatheraphy would help to ease your breathing a little ???
Herbie's M,
Stay strong. Don't kick yourself. You know you have done your best and always wanted nothing but the best for Herbie.
stripe beagle & her pup from malaysia praying for your speedy recovery, herbie!
I am sorry to hear that you are sick. Lung infection is no joke. Can you ask your M to put some rice vinegar in the burner and burn in for 10 mins twice a day to keep the air around you as clean as possible? This method works to kill bacterials in the air.
Hope to hear good news from you soon.
I'm keeping my paws crossed for you that you'll eat well and stay strong. And you'll get better so Helios can come back play with you again
~ Girl girl
Hello Herbie
I've been praying for you since I read about you. Will continue to pray hard for you. Eat the steak. They're good for you. I have a golden named Alex. He sends his love too! Get well soon.
Hang in there, Herbie! Be a trooper. We need you here on the DWB circuit!
Big Pooches Smooches,
Eddie, Peaches & Bella
Hi Herbie,
Yes, eat up and u will get well very very soon. Tell your M get u a Hepa air purifier as it help to cleanse the air...Maybe your M would like to check with the vet about Laryngeal paralysis at the next visit?http://www.marvistavet.com/html/laryngeal_paralysis.html
Will be praying for your speedo recovery!
Good thing that you are still eating... Most of us usually leave the veggies behind. You are panting real heavily in that video. I can see that you are a strong boy Herbie, your eyes are still bright & it's not time for you to go now. You are still considered young & should be living for another good 7 years. I sure hope the medication will help. Please get well soon!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Get well soon, ya? We'll be praying for you.
Big hug and lots of kisses
Cleo & Lucky
Ohhh Herbie.... it must be tough to be breathing like that... SIGH.. I hope you will be strong and get better soon!! Helios needs his big brother to learn from, and your mom needs you and WE NEED YOU!!
So please please be strong okay?
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Poor Herbie!! You let your mom help keep you comfortable and heal up the best you can. Take care of yourself. We'll be thinking of you.
T-man & CC-man
Oh Herbie, We do wish the best for you. Rest, eat your food, get better. We want to hear good things about you and from you for a long time to come.
Herbie! We are sending you all our prayers and blessings, and keeping all our fingers and toes and eyes and paws crossed for you. Hang in there, dear friend! - Reby, Pebbles and Casper
I'm pwaying fow you..pleez eat the steak and get stwongew! I'm just suwe the meds will help,also being in wawmth..I'm thinking of you and sending healing smoochie kisses
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