Thursday, September 27, 2007


Hey, noticed a slightly changed look to my blog? Well, my M felt that there's too much to scroll for a 2 column template so she changed it to a 3 column template, and we've added advertisements to the left!

Basically my M saw that there's a chance to earn some money generating adverts on blogs, so she'd thought to try it out. So ta dah... we've added Adverlets

Well, now they're giving away some money for people who review about them, so with my mounting medical costs, my M thought that I'd better start earning some of my own money.

I thought it's actually quite cool to be able to earn some extra income doing what I like. If only people would pay me to sleep, I'd be a millionaire by now! Oh well, at least I don't have to get my butt off the chair while earning money.

One thing good about adverlets is that it's based in Asia, and the ads are local. So my M now do not have the excuse to say that 'but that shop in the ad is in timbarktoo... it's too far to buy your treats/ bones/ food etc"

The only thing about this is, if only they have more advertisements on pet related stuff. Maybe the guys on adverlets can sit up and take a look, we have LOADS of doggy bloggers out here and we have the power to make our humans buy things for us.

Oh, and take some time to take part in the poll when you can. They need to find out the demographics of people who visit my blog. Just click on the little button witht he 2 round arrows (cycle through ads) until you reach the polls.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's really smart to earn $ from your bloggie. :)

~ Girl girl

Dandy Duke said...

That's pretty cool, Herbie and I like the look of the three columns! Nice!

Love ya lots,

Lacy said...

woofies, herbie!! me hopes u makes zillons on $'s..

b safe,