Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Recovered.... or so my M thought...

Thank you everyone for the concern! I've recovered and back to my begging self again. My tummy's no longer churning and my meals are back to their normal size. And my M is heaving a sigh of relief.... or so she thinks... because....

Helios is now having diarrhoea! Yes, my M says we're taking turns to drive her crazy. She woke up this morning to a small puddle on the floor. Helios still have not learnt how to wake my M up to bring him to toilet. So he got no breakfast.

And when my MM came back today, he found another puddle in the kitchen. He thought it was me because I couldn't be bothered to greet him, so he thought I was still sick. Only when they checked my very clean butt did they realise that it's the hopping and twisting Helios who had a tummyache. Seriously, he doesn't even look sick! Well, at least not as sick as me.

Aunty G said that I may have passed on my illness to Helios. She thinks that Helios might have gotten some bacteria from my poop when I had my accidents at home a few days ago. Well, go ahead, blame me for everything! If you ask me, it's because Helios is WEAK. Humph!

One thing to note, our floor has been very clean the last few days. At least something good came out of the diarrhoea. :P


Amber-Mae said...

Oh great Herbie, you're fine now! No blastings on the door & cupboards huh??? Hehehehe, good! Oh no, now Helios? What did you guys eat...? Or maybe you should ask your M, what did she feed you guys?

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

Isn't this the worst! I hope it straightens itself out soon! This stuff is not fun at all! I really do feel for you guys and your mom!

Love ya lots,

Urban Smoothie Read said...

oh herbie,

i'm glad ur alright now....to take of urself..

Ben & Darling said...

Glad you are OK now but too bad for Helios.

Anonymous said...

Me too,I am glad to hear you are ok now..btw I am a newbie..hehe
Belle lee

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're better Herbie - I hope Helios recovers quickly too - what came out of you looks GROSS!!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh no poor Helios. I hope he gets better soon.

~ girl girl

Scuba the Muscle Boy said...

Helios does not look at all sick in the tummy - still playful and looking happy

Joe Stains said...

oh no more bad poopies!!! your poor mom!!

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Oh my Herbie! Getting poor Helios sick...it's a ploy to get all his treats, right?

Bussie Kissies

Ume said...

uh oh... Helio's turn now?
can it be what you're eating now?

Ume said...
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