Monday, April 09, 2007

Wine and Cheese Pawty

The humans had another wine and cheese pawty a few days ago, and it was Helios first time attending such a pawty. So we made him take pictures with the cheese. He looked a little bewildered initially on what the fuss was all about.

Helios: Why must we take photos before we eat?

Well, he soon got the hang of things. In order to eat, we have to pose and let the humans take nice pictures of us.

Say Cheese!

The red box is actually red wine, in a box! It comes with a little nozzle tap for pouring the wine. It's the first time my M has seen wine in a box.

The Spread

Helios seem to like the cheese pretty much. But then again, there's nothing that the little thing won't eat.


Scuba the Muscle Boy said...

I am glad Helios enjoyed the pawty. Can't remember but did he had some wine?

Mom said the wine was special - something to do with celebrating you having a brother ... hick!!!

Fu Fu said...

Oh.. The cheese and Wine looks really yummy. Hee Helios look cute wondering why need to take picture first then can eat.

~ fufu

Anonymous said...

The 3 of you look so incredibly cute posing together! =)

Duke said...

Great family shot and right behind a yummy looking table! I sure hope Helios didn't drink too much wine!

Love ya lots,

Amber-Mae said...

WOW! Looks absolutely dogalicious! Can I have some??? Love the photos!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ben & Darling said...

OMdoG !! can I have it too?? I never try cheese & wine before, but they look real delicious !! You guys are soooooooooo LUCKY !!

Joe Stains said...

oh my do I love i LOVE cheese.

Furkids in Hong Kong™ said...

Wow, that first pic is beautiful. Helios does look very bewildered in that pic!

On a side note. If it's not too much trouble, could you visit our doggie friend, Casper D Dog and send him and his human your well-wishes? Casper has gone into relapse and would very much like our support at a time like this.
