More work for me
Well, Helios toilet training isn't going as smoothly as my M had hoped. Apparently that little guy has got a BIG bladder and he could hold his pee for at least 4-5 hours if he wants to. Every half hour or so after meals and waking up, my M will bring him to the toilet and keep him in there for 5 minutes in the hope that he will pee, but instead he ended up napping or playing instead. So she has to carry him back into either the room or the crate because she's afraid he will pee enroute. He does have a habit of peeing like 5 seconds after being let out of the toilet when it's been hours since his last pee.
So my inept M has to get ME to help toilet train Helios. She decided to fill him with water. She'll cook extra soup for our meals so that he can slurp it all up. I think it's such a waste to use all that soup for toilet training purposes. I could have made better use for them.
Anyway, she'll then pen him in the toilet and start playing with him to make him excited enough to pee. Of course, she's always not good enough so she had to ask me to play with Helios to make HIM excited enough to pee.
So there were the 3 of us, in a tiny toilet, horsing around with my M making weird squealing noises. And she calls ME a pig! HA!
I am glad to say that because of moi, Helios peed like 30 seconds after we started playing. And my M got so excited she was praising him like crazy, jumping up and down, clapping, waving her arms in the air and squealed some more. I don't see she ever getting that excited about ME peeing. It's just pee, what's the big deal?
My M now thinks it's a swell idea to lock us 3 in the toilet everytime she thinks Helios bladder might be full. I think I'll have to spend my time working and entertaining one big and one little loony instead of having my beauty sleep.
Sigh, I hope I'm gonna get paid for all this.
My bladder's burstin'