Happy Chinese New Year!
Happy Roaring Year of the Tiger! I hope everyone's year started Puurfectly! At least mine was not too bad. My M and MM brought me visiting on the first and second day of the Lunar New Year and I got to perform my parlor tricks (ie: food on nose). The kids were extremely impressed and I got quite a bit of cookies. I would have gotten more if my M was not there to control the amount *pout*.
Well, we didn't manage to take any photos coz my M didn't bring her camera and I was too busy checking out the new houses and trying to avoid the babies. My M says I finally knows what it feels like to be stalked because one of the nephews, who is only a month older than my baby sis, was totally fascinated with me and kept following me all night. I had to be constantly on the move because I think he was trying to steal my toy.
My M's gonna have a pawty at home this saturday so hopefully there'll be more food! Maybe she'll remember to take photos too!
(M: And there's gonna be another baby too!)
Oh no! I hope this baby won't stalk me like the other one does. I have soooo many toys to pawtect!