Packing up
My M and MM are going on a trip tonight, and I'm going to stay at Scuba's house! Rafv's there as well coz his mum went back to Japan and his dad is having his reservist. Unlike Jack and Joey who had to lug their luggage to Scuba's house for a miserly 3 days stay, I am packing light.
I'm just bringing the most important thing.....
My food bowl!!!
The supplements were my M's idea. I could live without them actually.
5 days at Scuba's house, and I'm sure I'm gonna be fed... a lot! I'll be so busy eating that I don't think I will have time to blog for the next 5 days.
Now, I'll just have to remember not to steal cat food.
Stay away from my dinner!

Woh, Herbie it sounds like you'll gonna have lots of fun (and food) and Scuba's house. Come back to blog soon. And that cat in the last pic dont look very friendly...
But I love it's pose, is it doing yoga?
~ fufu
Hello Herbie
We're in the DWB Xmas Card Exchange too so we thought we'd drop by your blog to see what was going on your side of the world.
Apparently, you're off on a homestay! I'm sure you'll have heaps of fun. Fei is also doing an extended homestay as she can't yet join us here in Japan (export regulations). We can't wait for the day when we all see each other again. 84 days and counting...
Eve and Fei
Bye Herbie. Enjoy yourself and see u in 5 days time!
Have fun at Scuba Camp! That cat leg looks mighty tasty.....
Bussie Kissies
Hi Herbie, I'm sure you will have lots of fun at Scuba's!
Just remember to suck in your tummy when you next see your mummy!
herbie, can you pose like that cat? I'm sure you'll look darn sexy!
gosh, i just realised that cat got two layers of bah bah so i'm quite sure you can do it too! gambatte!
Dear friends
Shhhh please don't tell my M and MM.
Breakfast - I get cheese and bread (Scuba and Rafv get milk on top of that. Auntie V said she is not sure how I will react to fresh milk hence I better not drink it).
Lunch - biscuits and treats and whatever Auntie S is having
Dinner - home cooked food (steam chicken and beef, a wee bit of rice, brocolli, cauliflower, carrot, a little garlic + my supplements)
Before bed - more biscuits and treats
Actually, I don't eat the cat's food (so far) because my tummy feels satisfied. Scuba is watching me all the time and if I go near the cat's food, he will come and push me away.
SCUBA - that cat is my sibling. Yes he has been practising yoga for the past few years. I call it Yocat. He is very friendly with Rafv so I am sure if any dogs want to eat him, they have to pass the Rafv test first. Grrrrroowl
I love it when Herbie comes over. It means, we both get fed more often.
WOW !!! That is a lot of things to eat Herbie, .... Like what Jay said, you may need to suck in your tummy when you see your mum .... else she may put you on a DIET AGAIN !!!!
Wow Scuba's house must be a full house now!! Um... how does Scuba's mom walk all of you together??
That's a lot of food buddy, wait til your ma finds out!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
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