Sorry for the lack of updates recently, because my M won't let me post any other things until I have apologised. You see, I've been a bad boy lately. I've started taking a liking to our rug. That doesn't sound too bad, until on a few occasions, my M and MM came home to find this.

They punished me for it, but I don't know why the rug was so enticing that I went to chew on it for another 3 more occasions. It went from still useable to disintegrated after a few chew sessions.
Maybe if I can't see it, they can't see it as well

I guess the reason why I liked that rug so much, because it has the scent of all my friends. You see, the rug was placed right outside the toilet, and everytime after they washed their paws, they'll step on the rug and leave their scent behind. And me being in a single dog family, felt bored, so with my wonderful imagination, pretended that the rug is my friends.
Unfortunately, the rug doesn't play the same way as me friends, ie: we chew one another...
Got my mouth full

Trotters, anyone?

Gosh, come to think of it, will we disintegrate like the rug in the long run if we keep playing like this? I hope not!
Anyway, since I have to apologise, and I have heard on the mrbrownshow on the elite way of saying sorry, I hereby announce my apology:
I am sorry that the rug is so stupid it had to smell like my friends and entice me to kill it.
There! I apologised.
The rug accepted my apology, really!

I hope my new baby brother will come soon. At least there'll be someone else to pin the blame on. Plus, puppies like to chew.... a LOT! MuahahAHAHahahAHAHahaha