Poor Sheila
Aunty G sent this email to my M, with a link to ASD (Action for Singapore Dogs) website, telling the story of this poor, loyal dog called Sheila. ASD is a non-profit organisation that helps abandoned and stray dogs find new homes. Their work are carried out by volunteers and they depend on contributions from the public to continue their good work. So help them if you can!
Poor Sheila's evil owner moved away and left her alone in the house, for 6 months! Sheila stayed on in the house, waiting for her owner to come back for her, but he never did, or rather that evil ^$&#* did, once a week to collect his mails but he did not collect her. She was reduced to skin and bones and had a multitude of health problems. Luckily, someone alerted ASD to her plight and she was rescued.
Now ASD are trying to find that owner so that AVA can take action against him. I hope he gets caught soon and hauled to court for animal abuse.
And bad Aunty G was saying that I won't be such a loyal dog, coz I'll follow anyone who offers me food. That's not entirely true! I mean, I will still eat, but I'll eat minimally just to survive. After all, I'll have to stay alive to wait for my owner to come back for me. I'll skip all the treats and begging. Really! When I first came to my M, I was so depressed that my ex-owner didn't want me, that I refused all treats! Oh darn, I don't think anyone will believe me now. Ask my M, she's my witness!
Anyway, the Aunties were saying if I were abandoned, I'll most likely make my way to the neighbour's house to beg for food. Hmm.. actually, that's not a bad idea!
But putting aside food and begging, I'm sure my M would not abandon me.
i must be ungrateful then... i happily ate up my dinner when my ex owner brought me to my current slave's home.
herbie, i cant believe u rejected treats.. open eyes big big..
that was absolutely heart-wrenching.
i wonder how sheila could've survived for that long. but luckily she did and thank goodness now she's in good hands.
This evil owner should be purnished! but I wonder how this people can be so heartless when go back to house and collect mail but not reacting to used-to-be his dog?
I wonder... He lost his heart somewhere or what...
drats. i clicked on the link.. heart wrenching.. i usually avoid clicking on links of sad stories.. sighz. poor dog.. i really hope they nab the guy.
My Ma read that article too and she couldn't help but start reading all the other sad stories on that site.. Cannot believe how other people treat their furry friends.. Sigh.. aren't we lucky? (I pray that they catch that guy soon and get his ass behind the bars.. oh and deprive him of food and water.. *hiak.. that'd let him have a taste of what Sheila went through )
that person should just die. what an evil person. hope they catch him soon.
Hey Herbie,
What a sad story - I have no words (well, no nice words) for this "human" - I hope Sheila finds a loving home soon - she sure deserves it.
Makes us all appreciate the nice homes that we all have ! I will say some prayers for Sheila and hope she finds her "furever" family soon.
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