We went to the dog show today, coz Helios was being shown. Unfortunately, he didn't win anything.... again. And unfortunately, my M made a boo boo of herself in the show ring.... AGAIN. But at least this time she is smart enough not to video herself, so there's no hard evidence of her making a mistake. Therefore, we can only rely on eyewitness account (read: me).
The contestents...

Apparently, after all the dogs have finished running one round around the ring, the judge pointed to a few to walk to the front. My M was the last one, and he didn't point to her, so she happily assumed that she did not have to do anything. The judge then signaled to the 1st handler to run around the ring again, and everyone else follwed behind... EXCEPT my M. The judge turned around to see her still hanging around and had to signal her to run as well before she moved. Talk about embarrassing!
boo boo?

Anyway, I think Helios was molested quite badly. The judge was touching him EVERYWHERE, even his balls! Does he not understand the meaning of privacy?

Of course, Helios thought today was fun. Fun for him because my M bought new toys for him.
Helios: Yew have new toy toy for me?

And he began parading around with it...
Helios: New toy! New toy!

But it was a TOTALLY boring affair for me! For one, I don't like toys. Secondly, there's NO food stalls! I mean, there are stalls selling kibbles and free samples, which I am obviously not allowed to eat because I'm allergic to kibbles. What happened to the bakery stalls that used to set up booths at the show? There NONE in sight!
I was so upset that I decided to sleep my blues off....
No food~~~

I think maybe this guy came to check if I'm still alive...
Is there a pulse?

My M took pity on me and allowed me on her lap. Actually, I suspect it's because the aircon is too cold and she needed a leg warmer.
Lap dog?

It was such a long day, we were there from 10:30am to about 5pm, that we were totally knocked out when we went home.
Knocked out... with another new toy

Knocked out... with no food

On another note, thanks to everyone who recognised me and came up to me to ask about my condition. My M was pleasantly surprised to meet so many people who are concerned about me.
Anyway, we went to another vet on Friday for a second opinion. The vet also could not definitely say that it's cancer based on my existing reports (which the other vet faxed over). He's reluctant to start on chemotherapy until he's positively sure. Since mine doesn't seem to be a clearcut case, he suggested that we adopt a wait and see attitude. We'll wait another 2 weeks to see if the lumps get any bigger, and maybe we'll need to do another biopsy.
The vet said that maybe the tissue sample taken out the other time happen not to show anything, and a tissue sample from another area might give more clues. Sigh, I think I'll have to go under the knife again...
Wish me luck guys!