Monday, August 24, 2009

Customized Collar

A lot of people has been asking my M recently where she got my customized collar from. Actually, since my big brother herbie's days, we've been wearing customized collars. All our fabric collars have our names sewn on it.

Our names!

And because my M doesn't like the sounds of clinking tags, we don't wear dog tags, but she had her phone number sewn on the inside of our collar so that if we every get lost, which is unlikely, there's still a contact number.

I hope the founder will look on the inside for the number!

Anyway, the collars are normal collars bought from any petshops, but she took the collars when she went on howliday to Bangkok, Thailand and got the names and numbers sewn at this shop called Seven Sisters located at the 6th floor of Mah Boon Kong (sp?). It's very cheap for the sewing to be done there and you can choose the fonts and colors of the thread.

But for those who are not going to MBK, maybe you can check with the local Beach Road army shops to see if they can sew the names. My M reckons that if they can sew names on the army uniforms, they should have no problem sewing collars.

So now you know where to get your personalized collars as well!


Amber-Mae said...

I am BACK!!! Hey, those are pretty nice! And you have one for Angel Herbie too. How sweet.

Saggy Gold Dancer

Rachel said...

I am one of those who asked about this contact some months/years back! anyway here's my input. The stall on MBK level 6th is fantastic, however, for 1st timer there, it's pretty tough to find. Do look out for those little stalls, not a shop setting.
Also, Army market doesn't do stitching of names on nylon collars. They claim that it will spoil their machines!!! Anyway MBK is the best bet! Thanks to you Helios, we have such good recommendation from your M.

Astrid Keel said...

Those are wonderful collars - the color and sewing is great!

Anonymous said...

I put a rubber band around the tags & it works. Mine have contact #'s, chip # but no names. If a bad person steals your dogs it just gives them another tool to befriend your dogs, their names.

Pippa said...

They are very nice collars. I had a nice blue one but since I got my harness I don't wear it any more :(

Dandy Duke said...

Those are very handsome collars!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch