Monday, June 22, 2009

Helios Potter!

My M always thought I look a bit like Harry Potter if she pretends my cowlick is the 'lightning scar'.

Abracadabra! Or... explodimous!

Harry Potter?

But apparently her friend thought I look more like Dumbledore... or rather, Dumbledawg.

I don't care.... I still think I'm Helios Potter! Be careful about your comments or I may turn you into a frog!

PS: Sunday afternoon slots for the photoshoot are all taken, but we still have slots for Saturdays and Sunday morning!


The Musketeers said...

Helios ! You're so cute in this one.
My human have to discuss about when they are free, they say they will contact you asap after the "big" discussion ! BOL !

Astrid Keel said...

Braw ha ha! You look so scholarly and intelligent, Helios!

Molly the Airedale said...

You look very studious to us, Helios!
You would make a great teacher and you already have your first student - your sissy! hehehe

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Home exchange said...

Lol!! Now that you mention it, there is a certain resemblance there! But you're obviously far more attractive than Harry P.... ;-p