Monday, March 03, 2008

Nice fishy man

My M was telling me last week what a nice fishy man we have.

Every weekend, my M will bring me to the park, then we'll go to the market to buy my dinner for the week and because I usually wait at the side for her, the regular stall owners that she patronises all knows that the food is for me. And all these started way before I was born, with my big brother Herbie as well. In fact, when they stopped seeing my big brother Herbie, they asked my M what happened to him.

Me and Herbie with our dinner, waiting for more dinner!

Back to the nice fishy man. Some people have told my M that there are some stall holders who will give not so good/ fresh food if they know it's for dogs. But not this nice fishy man.

Last week, my M went to buy fishy for my dinner, and with her limited knowledge of fishies, she pointed at a very expensive one. So the nice fishy lady asked is it for her darling (that's me!) and said that fish is very expensive, so she recommended something else that's cheaper that day, tuna. There was even once that they told my M to choose another fish coz it's fresher.

So my M said ok and asked them to debone the fishy. And the nice fishy man spent more than 5 minutes deboning the fish. Usually they'll just debone the main bone along the 'spine' of the fish but there'll be tiny bones along the middle of the fish.

Where tiny bones usually are

But the man removed the tiny bones for us as well and kept running his hands through the fish to make sure there's no tiny bones, and even told my M to check again that there's no bones when she cook it.

Very boneless tuna

My M was quite pleased and impressed that he went through so much trouble even though he knows that the fishy is for a doggie.

What a nice fishy man!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh that fishy man sure is very nice.. Good to know there are nice people out there who give a thought for animals

~ Girl girl

Anonymous said...

It is so great to hear a story about some very kind humans!! I bet you enjoyed that tuna though!!


Dandy Duke said...

What a nice man to take so much time for you, Helios! Enjoy your fishie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Wow, maybe this guy owns a dog himself too & knows the danger of giving a dog fish bones. What a sweet & caring guy he is!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Joe Stains said...

It is always nice when you can find people that give excellent service, especially if they know it is for dogs.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Helios,
My mama is totally clueless about fishies too.. I think the only ones that she can 'recognise' are ikan bilis, kuning, salmon and promfrets!!

** Psst.. if your mom wants anything from TYO, ask her to sms my mom. **