We went for a picnic last Sunday, but I couldn't blog about it because something went wrong with my M's computer.
So here's the long awaited photos...
Helios was the star of the day as my M wanted to take lots of pictures as he is growing up. So she made him play fetch....

But he decided other dog's toys seem more interesting, although he couldn't quite keep up with them...
Helios: I'll get it when my legs get longer!

Joey: Your legs are longer than mine but you still can't get it... ngak ngak ngak

Lolo: Are you getting the ball?
Helios: What ball? Don't see anything.

Scuba was so happy that there's no need for him to swim that he jumped for joy.
Scuba: No swimming! Yippee!

As for me, I was teaching Helios the art of begging.
Just look hopeful

Even Huskee joined us and exercised a bit.

And he finally got to see the 'behind the scenes of group dog photos'. It took all of us at least 5 minutes to get the shot.
behind the scene: crew and models getting ready

Why did the group picture take that long? Because....
...Rafv kept wanting to run back to the shade
I need shade!

... Tommy kept wanting to go back to play
I need more play!

... Huskee kept wanting to run back to his humans
I want my Daddeeeee

While Helios, Lolo and Chewie kept fidgeting. What I'm trying to say is, I'm one of the best behaved dogs in the group.
So this is the final result.
L-R: Chewie, Scuba, Lolo, Tommy, Helios, Me, Joey, Jack (f), Rafv (b), Huskee

Actually, that's not really the final result. My M had to do some 'cheating' with photoshop. This should have been the final result... with such a huge gap in the middle that we could have squeezed an 11th dog, if we had one.
Rafv: My imaginary friend's next to me!

I was so good that I only ran off after the group photo's taken.
I'm a good boy!

I think the humans are planning a beach trip next. I wonder if they'll attempt a group photo in the water. That will be Scuba's biggest nightmare!