Uncle M just had new tattoos done on his arms recently, and the humans all thought it looked pretty cool. So I tell them, I'm a cool dude too! Coz I have a tattoo too!
If you just ignore the toy in my mouth, don't I look like a cool dude?

Maybe I should try not to stuff the toys in my mouth so much. It seems to take away whatever look I'm trying to achieve. I can't look furocious, or cool with toys in my mouth.
Anyway! I was an even cooler dude coz I had the tattoo done when I was a pup. It reads 'SAV 040', with SAV being the abbreviation of the kennel name I came from and 040 means I'm the number 40th pup born there. My litter brother Casper has the tattoo SAV 039.

My M says it's a good identification because if I ever get stolen or lost, the person who got me cannot claim that I am another dog coz no other dog will have my tattoo.
Oh dear, what happens if the finder decides to chop off my ear instead, then I'll be a one-eared dog!